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Design budget of Belarusian nuclear power plant’s construction project unchanged


The cost of the design work involved in building the Belarusian nuclear power plant has not been changed, BelTA learned from Dmitry Alekseyev, Head of the Design Department of the Russian energy industry design institute Atomproekt.

“After the contract was signed Saint Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod reached an agreement on the distribution of the design work. We were put in charge of designing the nuclear island and the turbine island. The contract specifies the cost and the volume of our work,” said Dmitry Alekseyev.

In his words, changes of prices for metals, reinforcement bars, and equipment have not affected the cost sheet. “The contract specifies the same figures that the construction of similar installations would cost. We are working within these figures,” stressed the representative of the design company.

Dmitry Alekseyev stated that virtually all the design documents for building the first power-generating unit are ready. “We will release [the documents] for the second unit nearly right away. Documents on technical systems are being developed now,” he noted.

Tags: atomBelarusian NPPNPP