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Expert: Belarus is looking into economic viability for second NPP


MINSK, 13 March (BelTA) – As for the construction of the second nuclear power plant in Belarus, we are only exploring the technical feasibility and economic viability, Director General of the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Andrei Kuzmin said in an interview to STV channel, BelTA has learned.

As was noted, there is talk about building a second nuclear power plant in the country. A couple of years ago scientists were even choosing the site for the possible construction.

“So far, only the technical feasibility and economic viability for the second station is being studied. This is also a huge amount of scientific work. It is necessary to conduct appropriate technical and economic assessments to substantiate that this project will be economically efficient, and to solve issues related to its integration into the country's power grid, as well as many other issues,” Andrei Kuzmin said.

Talking about the selection of the site for a new nuclear power plant, the director general said that this process is lengthy and complicated. “The process is regulated at the legislative level, there are relevant requirements for its implementation,” he added.
