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Filimonov: No problems with BelNPP financing

There have been no problems with the financing of the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, Director General of the Belarusian nuclear power plant Mikhail Filimonov told the Belarusian and Russian journalists who are visiting the social facilities in Ostrovets as part of the press tour "Belarus-Russia Interaction in Power Engineering”, BelTA has learned.

"Russia is fulfilling its obligations in full. There have been no problems. Financing is carried out in a normal mode,” said Mikhail Filimonov.

To implement the BelNPP project Belarus and Russia signed intergovernmental agreements, including on cooperation in the peaceful use of atomic energy, in the construction of the nuclear power plant, on nuclear safety, and also an agreement on the $10 billion state export loan to finance 90% of the value of the BelNPP construction project.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is a project to build an AES-2006 type nuclear power plant 18km away from Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast. The Belarusian nuclear power plant will have two power-generating units with the total output capacity of up to 2,400MW (2x1,200MW). The Russian merged company OAO NIAEP – ZAO ASE is the general designer and the general contractor of the project. In line with the general contract for building the nuclear power plant the first power-generating unit is scheduled for commissioning in 2018, with the second one to go online in 2020.