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Gosatomnadzor: Radiation background within BelNPP remains unchanged


MINSK, 2 May (BelTA) - The radiation background in the areas around the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) has not changed, Head of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) Olga Lugovskaya said in an interview to STV TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“As for the surrounding areas, we have set up an analytical center, where we get technological parameters and parameters of radiation safety on the grounds of the nuclear power plant in online mode. This process is uninterrupted,” Olga Lugovskaya said. “Before the plant was launched, we had got a baseline background to use as a benchmark. As of today, these indicators have not changed.”

The Gosatomnadzor head also explained how often safety monitoring was conducted. “Our department works at the site, at the nuclear plant, on a regular basis. These are our inspectors, our eyes, our hands, our ears. If necessary, at any time of the day or night we can reach the facility. We cooperate very closely with the nuclear plant inspection personnel. The facility is under constant supervision. There are supervisions at all stages of the life cycle,” she said.

Olga Lugovskaya stressed that the BelNPP project was originally prepared for the events at Fukushima. Nevertheless, Belarus, knowing that safety is never small, decided to take part in the stress tests according to the methodology of the European Union.
