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IAEA head eager to visit operational Belarusian nuclear power plant

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano intends to visit the Belarusian nuclear power plant once it is operational. Yukiya Amano made the relevant statement after visiting the Belarusian nuclear power plant’s construction site on 19 April, BelTA has learned.

“I cannot say precisely when I will come to Belarus next time but I think I will be able to take part in the power plant’s launch together with my spouse and appreciate the view of the operational nuclear power plant and magnificent Belarusian cuisine,” said Yukiya Amano.

The IAEA Director General noted that Belarus is one of the countries best prepared for developing a nuclear energy industry. In his words, Belarus has achieved considerable progress in building the nuclear power plant in the last few years.

Yukiya Amano underlined that a tour of the construction site helps assess the readiness for implementing a nuclear program before the facility goes online. Such visits help the IAEA understand the state of affairs at the construction and help Belarus understand the IAEA’s requirements, he said.