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Karankevich: BelNPP has added a strong impetus to regional development


MINSK, 8 June (BelTA) – The Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP) has given a significant impetus to the regional development of Grodno Oblast and Ostrovets, the city of nuclear workers, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said at the panel discussion “High Technologies as a Driver of Eurasian Integration”, held as part of the Eurasian Congress in Sochi on 8 June, BelTA learned from the press service of the Energy Ministry.

“Today this is one of the most well-developed cities in the country, which features all the necessary conditions for comfortable living. New schools, kindergartens, a hospital, a health and fitness center, and a culture center have been built there,” Viktor Karankevich said. Some 52 residential houses have been built in the city, which is more than 210,000 square meters or 3,100 apartments.

According to the minister, in the course of the implementation of the national nuclear power program Belarus has made serious steps on the way of developing the system of nuclear and radiation safety and its most important elements, including the appropriate legal framework, the development of protection and response system, and personnel training. “In fact, a new knowledge-intensive industry has been formed,” he said.

Photo courtesy of Belarus

“The construction of the BelNPP has created qualitatively new opportunities for the development of industries related to nuclear energy, such as industry, nuclear medicine, agriculture, science and education. Favorable conditions have been created for the use of electric transport. The BelNPP also helps create more comfortable living conditions for citizens through the use of electricity for heating and hot water, including in rural areas, the minister said.
