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Lithuanian bloggers visit Belarusian nuclear power plant

OSTROVETS DISTRICT, 11 May (BelTA) – Lithuanian bloggers are on a visit to the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP), BelTA has learned.

Lithuanian bloggers will be given a tour of the training center and central control center, as well as the BelNPP production site. The guests will be shown the splash pools and the transport portal of the Unit 1 reactor building, as well as the Unit 2 turbine building. 

Representatives of the Energy Ministry, BelNPP and Gosatomnadzor will talk about the plant design and supervision of safety during its construction and commissioning.

Lithuanian bloggers will have a unique opportunity to visit the plant's facilities and see for themselves its safety, as well as the project's compliance with all international requirements. 

“Belarus is interested in communicating objective and reliable information about the BelNPP to the Lithuanian public. Our country is openly and consistently advancing in the implementation of the national nuclear power program and is developing cooperation with international partners, including the IAEA. Nuclear and radiation safety has been and remains an unconditional priority for Belarus,” the press service of the Energy Ministry said.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant uses the Russian design AES-2006 featuring two VVER-1200 reactors with the total output capacity of 2,400MW. It is an evolutionary nuclear power plant design with third-generation water-moderated reactors. Such designs boast improved technical and economic parameters. A combination of active and passive safeguards is their key feature. The reactor building is covered by a double containment. The reactor would not be damaged in the event of an earthquake, hurricane, flood, explosion, or even a plane crash.

VVER technology is currently the most in-demand and proven in the world. Over the last decade, this technology has been used to build nuclear power plants in China and India, and there are plans for the construction of such nuclear power plants in Egypt, Turkey, Hungary, Bangladesh, and Uzbekistan.