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MEPhI to train some 100 specialists for BelNPP within five years

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow) will train some 100 specialists for the Belarusian nuclear power plant in the coming five years. The university is adapting the curriculum for training the personnel for Belarus. This information was broadcast by the ONT TV channel on 31 October.

All expenses associated with the training of Belarusian specialists for the BelNPP will be covered from the state budget. 

MEPhI Deputy Director Georgy Tikhomirov said that there is nuclear culture in Belarus. Belarus has an excellent research center Sosny, with which we maintain relations, exchange best practices. Accordingly, there will be no problems with the training of personnel for the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

MEPhI has its own nuclear reactor, similar to the one that used to be operated in Sosny. When dismantling it, the Belarusians gave some parts to MEPhI. Now the future specialists can get hands-on experience and learn the ropes of NPP operation.

Teaching and research at MEPhI are conducted according to the IAEA principles. In addition, Rosatom orders tests at MEPhI for the equipment to be installed at the nuclear power plants currently under construction. MEPhI professors name the VVER reactors among the most reliable ones. All electronic equipment has already passed the most stringent verification tests.

“We are very thorough and meticulous. We reject any equipment and ban its use if we have any doubts about its reliability,” MEPhI chief engineer Alexander Portnov said.