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Mikhadyuk: IAEA satisfied with BelNPP safety standards

Mikhail Milhadyuk
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is satisfied with the observation of safety standards during the construction of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, Belarus Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Milhadyuk said in an interview with the ONT show Kontury, BelTA has learned.

In particular, Mikhail Milhadyuk noted that the IAEA is satisfied with the NPP construction progress and the observation of safety requirements. “The IAEA is interested in the training of the personnel of the nuclear power plant and in the project as such, namely our efforts to learn the Fukushima lessons and the safety systems we are using,” he said. The deputy energy minister stressed that the IAEA cannot criticize the Belarusian side for the violation of regulations and recommendations.

On the whole, in his words, the project in Ostrovets is a success and proceeds on schedule. For example, at the preliminary stage the Belarusian side closely cooperated with Russian experts, worked out the production capacities for the construction of the nuclear power plant. As of today, Belarusian construction organizations have completed over 80% of works. “The comprehensive quality control has been organized at the construction site, all supervisory bodies of Belarus exercise control in their fields of expertise,” Mikhail Milhadyuk remarked. In his words, all information is analyzed by specialized boards led by Vice Premier Vladimir Semashko. “All remarks and claims regarding the quality of works and equipment inspections are discussed, necessary measures are taken promptly,” the deputy energy minister said.

Apart from that, Mikhail Milhadyuk stressed that a comprehensive plan regarding the integration of the nuclear power plant in the Belarusian energy system taking into account the increase in the consumption of energy has been approved in Belarus. “The government has passed this program, corresponding instructions to develop energy intensive production and raise the consumption of energy by households have been given to all ministries and agencies,” he said.

The deputy energy minister also noted that the system will produce necessary amount of electricity.