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New border guard station in Belarusian nuclear power plant area ready in 2016

The construction of a new border guard station near the Belarusian nuclear power plant will be finished in 2016. The information was released by Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Leonid Maltsev during the session of the commission on state border policy in Grodno Oblast on 30 March, BelTA has learned.

Two border guard stations — Buiki and Zherneli — are now operational near the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. They securely protect the border, with the entire necessary engineering infrastructure available.

The construction of the Zherneli border guard station will be finished by September 2016. The construction of the Buiki station has begun and is supposed to be finished in 2017, noted the chief of the Belarusian border guard service. The official stressed that that part of the Belarusian border will boast state-of-the-art technical and engineering systems for security purposes.

“On the whole, by the end of the year the entire section of the state border in Grodno Oblast will be protected by modern technical solutions. Practical work to introduce electronic queues has begun. The first platform of the kind will be made available in Brest this year, however, concrete steps to the same effect are being made in Grodno Oblast as well,” explained Leonid Maltsev.

A lot was done in the region in 2015 for the sake of providing proper engineering infrastructure at the state border and cleaning up things near the border. The depth of the border line and the border zone has been corrected, the populated localities that lie within those areas are now clarified.

“I’d like to mention such efforts in the Augustow Canal area. The work was done not only for the sake of border security but for the sake of ensuring the canal’s appeal to tourists,” added Leonid Maltsev.

The border service’s smooth cooperation with the local authorities, Grodno Oblast organizations, and residents for the sake of protecting the state border was also mentioned during the session.