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NIKIMT-Atomstroy opens center for personnel certification in NDT in Belarus


The Research and Development Institute of Construction Technology - Atomstroy (OAO NIKIMT-Atomstroy) opened a center for the training and certification of welders and professionals in non-destructive testing (NDT), including according to the atomic energy requirements of the Russian Federation. The center is based at OOO SvarkaServiceGroup in Minsk, BelTA learned from Rosatom.

OAO NIKIMT-Atomstroy is the main materials research company of the state corporation Rosatom. According to the company, the center has been opened as part of the NPP construction project in Belarus. “Welding engineer and specialists in non-destructive testing who could work according to the Russian atomic energy requirements have not yet been certified in Belarus. The center aims to solve this problem. It is planned that at first several Belarusian instructors-welders and specialists in non-destructive testing will be trained and certified at NIKIMT-Atomstroy. Then they will work as instructors at the center which is fully equipped with modern welding and control equipment,” Rosatom said.

Term of training of welders and controllers will be one to three months. Training of engineering and technical personnel will take two to three weeks.
“During the year the center can provide the training to up to 700 welders. The center will also train welders from Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states. The final certification of specialists will be conducted by a special commission consisting of representatives of NIKIMT-Atomstroy. After training and certification the welders can work at any enterprise of Europe ", the" Rosatom ".

A preliminary agreement on the opening of the center was reached during the talks between representatives of OAO NIKIMT-Atomstroy, OAO Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company Atomenergoproekt and First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko at Atomexpo-Belarus 2013.