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Plans to complete EU peer review of BelNPP stress tests in mid-2018

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MINSK, 8 February (BelTA) – Plans call for completing the EU peer review of the stress tests of Belarus' nuclear power plant in the middle of 2018, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

“The national report on stress tests at the BelNPP was prepared in September 2017. Taking into account Belarus' voluntary commitments, the peer review of the national report will be conducted together with the European Commission. The review is expected to finish in mid-2018,” Gosatomnadzor remarked.

The stress tests were held at the BelNPP using European methods and techniques to predict the consequences of such external events as earthquakes, floods, extreme weather, and their combinations, and also the consequences of blackouts and loss-of-coolant accidents at the BelNPP. As a result, the national report was prepared to make some conclusions: the BelNPP is resilient to the initial events similar to those which occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant; the BelNPP safeguards have been designed fully taking into account external events; buildings, structures, and equipment at the nuclear power plant have been designed in line with the effective legislation; safety margins have been provided.

The national report has been submitted to the European Commission and is available to the public.
