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Presentation of Belarusian nuclear station environmental report in Lithuania


Belarusian ecologists plan to present results of the public monitoring of the Belarusian nuclear power plant’s environmental impact in Lithuania on 17 December. The information was released by Yuri Solovyev, head of the Belarusian public organization Ecological Initiative, at the roundtable session held on 13 December to discuss the official presentation of the monitoring’s results, BelTA has learned.

The project to conduct the public monitoring of the Belarusian nuclear power plant’s environmental impact was carried out in 2013 with assistance of the general public, scientists, and specialists from Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia. Yuri Solovyev explained that as part of the project samples of water, air, and soil were taken in populated localities around the Ostrovets site where the nuclear power plant is being built, with radiation background measured. “The information will be used as the background that will allow us to assess the nuclear power plant’s environmental impact after the power plant is commissioned. A special databank to store the information is being created,” he said.

The national center for radiation control and environmental monitoring of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry used the monitoring data to compile a detailed report. The report will be made available via the websites of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry and the Nuclear Power Plant Construction Directorate soon. The relevant arrangements are in place already.