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Radiation safety unaffected by disconnection of first unit of BelNPP from power grid


MINSK, 6 October (BelTA) – The disconnection of the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant from the power grid did not affect radiation safety, Oleg Sobolev, a consultant with the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) said in BelTA's press center on 6 October.

The first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant was disconnected from the power grid on 12 July when the automatic protection of the generator kicked in. Equipment and systems of the turbine generator underwent diagnostics. The first unit was reconnected to the power grid on 4 October.

Oleg Sobolev explained the unit was disconnected because the emergency protection of the generator had been triggered. In other words, it was not related to the reactor. “Naturally once the generator was stopped, the output of the reactor unit was reduced to the minimum controlled level. Measures were taken to find out the reasons and detect the defect. The [state enterprise] Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant fixed the defect together with the Russian side. Since the electrical part was affected, it had no effect on nuclear and radiation safety. The unit was in a safe condition all this time.”

As a regulatory body Gosatomnadzor constantly oversees the operation of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. “Our inspectors can come and check things at any time. Besides, we have an office at the nuclear power plant site. Certainly, we were aware of the situation and constantly monitored it,” the Gosatomnadzor consultant added.
