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Russian, Ukrainian experience to set up military unit to protect Belarusian nuclear station


MINSK, 13 March (BelTA) – The military unit to protect the Belarusian nuclear power plant will be created using the experience of Russia and Ukraine. The information was released by Colonel Yuri Karayev, Deputy Interior Minister of Belarus, Commander of the Interior Troops, at the press conference on 13 March, BelTA has learned.

“We actively cooperate with our colleagues from Russia and Ukraine. We are primarily interested in the experience of physical protection of the nuclear power plant. It is important not to be late in these preparations and we are working most intensely on it. Every year we gather a seminar inviting our foreign colleagues and they share the best practices concerning service organization, the protection of such installations. We try to get as many our officers as possible involved in it. We plan to start practical exercises later on. It is important for the sake of not repeating the errors but utilizing the experience of our colleagues in order to accomplish the task we’ve been given in the most effective manner possible,” said the official.

The possibility of practical training for graduates of the interior troops department, who are earmarked for the service in the nuclear power plant defense unit, in an interior troops training center of the Russian Interior Ministry is under consideration. The training in Russia will help acquire practical skills in organizing and performing service tasks involved in the protection of particularly important government installations and special cargoes.

Work is in progress in the central office of the interior troops commander to create the legal base regulating the physical protection of the station. An independent military unit will be set up to protect the Belarusian nuclear power plant.