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Semashko: BelNPP construction under tightest control


The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) is proceeding under the tightest control, Deputy Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko said at the opening ceremony of the 7th international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 on 22 April, BelTA has learned.

“The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is taking place under the tightest control with a view to ensuring ultimate quality and reliability. I would like to extend my gratitude to our Russian counterparts and domestic construction companies for staying on schedule,” Vladimir Semashko said.

He noted that the Belarus-Russia relations have been growing stronger in recent years; all integration-related undertakings are backed by concrete projects. “The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is a case in point. It is a grand project Belarus has never known before. The NPP proper will cost $8 billion. The related infrastructure will also be built. The settlement of Ostrovets should become a young and modern town,” Vladimir Semashko noted. He reminded that the commissioning of the first power-generating unit is scheduled for 2018; the commissioning of the second one is due to take place by 2020.

Vladimir Semashko underlined that such events as Atomexpo Belarus give an opportunity to review the progress made and to discuss nuclear energy development prospects. He expressed hope that all the plans of the participants of the expo will come into fruition.

The 7th international expo Atomexpo Belarus 2015 opened in Minsk on 22 April. It will stay open through 24 April. The event has been organized upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry with assistance of the Russian state corporation Rosatom. Atomexpo Belarus 2015 is meant to demonstrate the latest technologies used to design, build, operate, and secure nuclear power plants. The forum will also highlight ways to ensure effective deliveries of equipment for building a nuclear power plant and non-energy uses of nuclear power.

The program of the expo includes a conference to discuss the promotion of nuclear energy in Belarus. Top on the agenda of the conference will be the construction of the Belarusian NPP and equipment supplies for the nuclear power plant, as well as nuclear security, the creation of the related infrastructure, and public acceptance of nuclear energy. The participants of the session have an opportunity to meet with representatives of the ordering party – NIAEP- Atomstroyexport United Company and the enterprise “Belarusian NPP”.

Tags: Belarusian NPPNPP