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Teamwork behind successful implementation of Belarusian nuclear power plant project


MINSK, 1 November (BelTA) – The Belarusian nuclear power plant project has been successfully implemented thanks to smooth work of Belarusian and Russian specialists, Rosatom's nuclear industry media center quoted Vitaly Polyanin, Vice President of ASE Company and the director of the Belarusian nuclear power plant construction project, as saying.

On 1 November 2023 the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (Rosatom's engineering division is the general designer and the general contractor) was accepted for commercial operation. The acceptance commission led by Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Piotr Parkhomchik signed the operation commencement act of the unit's startup complex. The Belarusian nuclear power plant became the first project with VVER-1200 reactors of the latest Generation 3+ that Rosatom has fully implemented abroad. In accordance with the contract obligations as of the moment Rosatom bears the responsibility for the working capacity of the unit for the duration of warranty.

Vitaly Polyanin said: “The Belarusian nuclear power plant is the first portent of the development of Rosatom's Generation 3+ technologies outside the Russian Federation. Both units of the Belarusian nuclear power plant generate kilowatts of energy for the country's power grid and have already proven their reliability. Successful and timely implementation of the nuclear power plant construction project has been possible thanks to smooth joint work of Russian and Belarusian specialists. I am convinced that the nuclear power plant in Belarus will become an example for Rosatom's many potential foreign partners. The construction of VVER-1200 units is already in progress in Hungary, Egypt, Tьrkiye, and China.”

On 13 May 2023 the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant was synchronized with the power grid for the first time and fed the first few kilowatt-hours of electricity into Belarus' united power grid. On 19 June the unit reached the designed output. So far it has generated over 2 billion kWh of electricity. Two units of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (the power plant's output capacity stands at 2,400MW) will be able to satisfy about 40% of Belarus' demand for electricity, which will make the country a world leader in terms of the share of nuclear-generated electricity in the overall energy mix.
