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Welding of Belarusian nuclear power plant’s first reactor’s main circulation line begins

The welding of the main circulation line of the first power-generating unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has begun, BelTA learned from the website of the Russian group of companies ASE.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant has been designed by Atomproekt while the group of companies ASE is the general contractor. The main circulation line of the first reactor of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is now being welded. It is one of the most important phases of the civil engineering project. With welding in progress, the systems and equipment of the primary coolant circuit are being prepared for flushing the pipes with fluid to remove mechanical contamination and test the systems. “Requirements for welding quality remain invariably high,” stressed Vitaly Medyakov, Vice President for the Belarusian nuclear power plant project at ASE Group. “Only time standards change. Over the course of six years the welding stage has been reduced by 3.5 times. The fact confirms that one of the most complicated processes involved in building a nuclear power-generating unit has been virtually fully automated. Moreover, before the phase begins, the entire process is carefully looked at by the specialists, who are involved in this work.”

Two out of 28 junctions are being welded now. While welding is in progress, all the operations are subjected to visual checking, measurement inspections, radiography control, liquid penetrant testing, and ultrasound control.

The main circulation line is 850mm in diameter and is over 130m long. Its walls are 70mm thick. The line connects the main equipment in the primary coolant circuit: the reactor, steam generators, and main circulation pumps. The main circulation line is designed to enable the flow of the heat transfer agent — water as hot as 350C under pressures as high as 17.6MPa.

The ASE group of companies was established by merging the industry’s leading companies — NIAEP, ASE, Atomenergoproject, and Atomproekt — to form the engineering division of the Russian state corporation Rosatom. ASE Company is one of the leaders of the international nuclear power engineering industry and accounts for over 30% of the global market for nuclear power plant construction. ASE’s representative offices and operational offices have been opened in 15 countries across the globe. The share of foreign contracts in the company’s portfolio is close to 80%.