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Dense fuel and lead reactors are promising projects in nuclear science


Dense fuel and lead reactors are promising projects in nuclear science, believes Mr Eduard Kryuchkov, Pro-Rector for Industry Cooperation of the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), as quoted by Russian media.

“I’d say the Breakthrough project, which is about fast reactors and a self-contained nuclear cycle, is an exemplary result of the scientific work in Russia’s nuclear industry. Last year saw only preparations while closer to the end of the year the preparations translated into scientific work,” remarked Eduard Kryuchkov.

Among the promising projects, which are yet in development, Eduard Kryuchkov mentioned dense fuel and lead reactors. “I think in the next five years it should ‘explode’ as we say. For instance, nobody else in the world researches into lead reactors. It is our exclusive Russian development. The priority is ours,” he added.

Tags: fuelreactorscience