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Safety of Russian NPPs praised by ambassadors to international organizations in Vienna


Permanent representatives to international organizations in Vienna praised the safety of Russian nuclear power pants after visiting the Kalinin NPP in Udomlya, Russia, BelTA learnt from the Public Information Center of the Kalinin NPP.

The delegation included ambassadors, experts and counselors on nuclear energy, permanent representatives from Armenia, Germany, Jordan, Iran, China, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Korea, Egypt, the Czech Republic, Japan, Russia, Hungary, Romania, France, and Lithuania.

The delegation got familiar with Russia’s advanced technologies to construct and operate nuclear power plants and discussed cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Top on the agenda were safety systems and additional equipment supplied to Russian nuclear power plants as part of efforts to enhance nuclear safety following the Fukushima accident.

Russian specialists noted that the Fukushima events were thoroughly analyzed. The efficiency of the defense in depth principle was tested at all Russian nuclear power plants. The experts analyzed particularities of the regions where the nuclear power plants are located to foresee every eventuality and their combinations. They came up with short-term and long-term plans of actions. All the short-term objectives have already been fulfilled. All the necessary equipment has been purchased and commissioned.

The delegation praised the safety of the Russian nuclear power plants and spoke highly of the professionalism and openness of specialists working in the nuclear industry. According to the permanent representatives, it was very useful to study Russia’s experience in conducting post-Fukushima stress tests at the nuclear power plants.

According to Russian Ambassador to International Organizations in Vienna Vladimir Voronkov, this visit can be viewed as preparation for the IAEA International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century that will be held in Saint Petersburg. The experts say that the decision to hold the conference in Russia demonstrates the recognition of the country’s achievements in the nuclear industry.

Tags: NPPRussiasafety